by Steve | Sep 26, 2022 | Feature The Midwest, The Midwest, Travel, Where we've been
As we’ve traveled, we’ve discovered quite a few tips and tricks along the way. One of them is (if you have the flexibility) to travel to popular places in the off season. This fall, at the end of the busy tourist season, we had a chance to visit Clear Lake,...
by Steve | Oct 12, 2019 | Destinations, Feature Destinations, Feature The Midwest, The Midwest, USA, Where we've been
If you’re a fan of “The Music Man” like I am, you are beside-yourself-excited at the thought of seeing Hugh Jackman bring Harold Hill back to life on Broadway in 2020. But before you head to the Big Apple to see the show, you should first visit Mason...
by Ann | Dec 10, 2018 | Destinations, Feature The Midwest, The Midwest, USA, Where we've been
Grinnell, Iowa, is an active and artsy college town. It’s also one of the most picturesque places we discovered on our weeklong road trip through the Hawkeye state. Whether you’re returning for a class reunion, enjoying a weekend getaway, or simply passing...
by Ann | Apr 27, 2018 | Feature Food & Drink, Food and Drink, The Midwest, USA, Where we've been
Trip Advisor’s #1-ranked restaurant in Clear Lake, Iowa, is only open 17 and a half(ish) hours a week. Might not seem like the best business model, but the sisters who own and manage Starboard Market have made it work quite well in this quaint Midwest town – for 19...
by Ann | Nov 12, 2016 | USA
We have had the privilege of having season tickets to Nebraska Cornhusker football games for the past five years. Every fall, we look forward to returning to Memorial Stadium, going through Gate 20, walking up and up and up to section 108, and squeezing ourselves in...