by Ann | Mar 7, 2020 | Experiences, Feature Pawhuska, Food and Drink, Pawhuska, The Pioneer Woman
We had planned to spend Valentine’s Day the way we have most years; cooking a nice meal together at home and splurging on one of our “really good” bottles of wine. We tabled those plans when The Pioneer Woman invited us to spend...
by Steve | Mar 30, 2019 | Destinations, Experiences, Feature Tips & Tricks, Feature USA, Tips & Tricks, USA, Where we've been
The Dolphin Research Center in Marathon, Florida, is one of my all-time, favorite travel destinations. It has been since I was a kid. As you may or may not know, my family has had a home in the Florida Keys for as long as I can remember. My grandparents built it long...
by Steve | Mar 16, 2019 | Destinations, Experiences, Feature Experiences, Holidays, Travel, USA
When Ann heard about an event in Orange Beach, Alabama, called the Flora-Bama Polar Bear Dip, she thought it sounded like a great idea. Knowing full well which one of us would get to run headlong into the Gulf of Mexico on New Year’s Day, (and who would stay dry...
by Ann | Mar 9, 2019 | Experiences, Feature Experiences, Feature Food & Drink, Feature Travel, Food and Drink, Travel
There’s nothing like the original Doe’s Eat Place in Greenville, Mississippi. Nothing. The entrance through the kitchen, two-pound steaks on a fiery open broiler, grease-stained floor boards, and lemon and oil soaked salad set it apart from any other...
by Steve and Ann | Feb 17, 2019 | Experiences, Feature Experiences, Feature Food & Drink, Feature Pawhuska, Food and Drink, Pawhuska, The Pioneer Woman
We were so thrilled (and honored) to be invited to The Pioneer Woman Mercantile’s First Ever Whole Hog Dinner. If you just let the name of that meal sink in for a second, you’ll realize the potential for an overload of pure deliciousness. A whole hog,...
by Ann | Feb 16, 2019 | Experiences, Feature Holidays, Holidays, Real Life, Romance
Now empty nesters, the last several years we’ve spent Valentine’s Day at home and enjoyed cooking a nice meal together. The menu has stayed pretty much the same: a wedge salad, some kind of potato and a juicy Nebraska beef ribeye steak for Steve and a piece of fresh...