
Why we went back to school this week!

Why we went back to school this week!

For the first time in about nine months, I went back to the front of the classroom. No, I didn't revert to my old middle school principal self, but Ann and I did spend a day working with all of the ninth grade Language Arts students at our town's high school. It was...

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Where we’re headed in 2018

Where we’re headed in 2018

Some people make resolutions on New Year's Day. Not us. We make reservations. It has become a bit of a tradition for us to sit in bed on New Year's morning, sip mimosas and finalize vacation plans for the year. The best part of the day is when I get to click the,...

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Remembering my dad

Remembering my dad

On a cold day in November of 2000, exactly five months to the day after he was diagnosed, my dad, Robert Forrest Shrewsbury, lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 51. While my dad had a fulfilling life, it makes me sad to think that he never got to see or do...

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A perfect fall day with family

A perfect fall day with family

Today was one of those cool, cloudy days when it starts to really feel like fall in Nebraska. The trees are starting to change colors and the corn fields are almost ready for harvest this time of year. Now that Steve has a more flexible schedule, we thought it might...

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Happy 50th anniversary, Mom and Dad

Happy 50th anniversary, Mom and Dad

Fifty years ago today, something pretty special happened -- my mom and dad got married. I feel pretty lucky to have had them both as my parents and we are so excited for them to celebrate 50 years together. Over the years they have been a great example of what it...

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Headed to the Pacific Northwest

Headed to the Pacific Northwest

As you may remember, when Steve resigned as middle school principal this summer, one of the first things we wanted to do with our more flexible schedule was spend some quality time with our parents. We took his mom and dad on a week-long trip across Nebraska in July...

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70+ things to do in Crete, Nebraska

70+ things to do in Crete, Nebraska

As you have probably noticed, Steve and I are very excited for next week’s total solar eclipse! We are really fortunate that Crete, Nebraska, (where we live) is in the path of totality and because of that, we’re expecting lots of visitors to begin arriving here in the...

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On the road again

On the road again

When I decided to leave my full-time job as a middle school principal this spring, one of the things Ann and I wanted to do in this interim stage was spend more time with our families. For years, our jobs have dictated when we could travel and how much time we could...

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Postcards from the Johnstone family

Postcards from the Johnstone family

Ann's brother and sister-in-law, Stephen and Carrie, took their two sons, Nathan and Noah, on a driving adventure last summer. They headed out across northern Nebraska, through Valentine, and up into the Badlands of South Dakota. They wanted to take a trip that felt...

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Haven’t been to Huntsville…yet

Haven’t been to Huntsville…yet

We recently received a postcard from the folks at Visit Huntsville, Ala. We have not been to Huntsville, but I qualify that statement with a big, "yet!" The Rocket City, as it's known, is definitely on our list of places to visit because if its rich history with the...

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A Teshhamitroy family vacation

A Teshhamitroy family vacation

That's right -- Teshhamitroy. It's our new family name for the week and includes the first two letters of all of our last names. We are taking our daughter, Meghan, and four college students on a family vacation to ... wait for it ... Branson, Missouri! Steve and I...

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His boxes and our bags are packed

His boxes and our bags are packed

Today was Steve's last day of work as middle school principal at Crete Public Schools. You can read all about his decision to move on to something new HERE. At the end of the day, he packed up the last of his personal belongings from his office while I was home...

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A postcard from San Diego

A postcard from San Diego

Our friends, Gary and Linda, recently headed west to sunny San Diego, Calif. I've known Gary and Linda for years, and even had the opportunity to travel with them on one of the school tours to Europe I led a few years ago. They are great travelers, always looking to...

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Teaching your kids through travel

Teaching your kids through travel

Travel isn't just for fun, it can also be a great way to learn something new. Our friends, the Bissons, took this to heart when they headed out on a road trip to Minnesota and Wisconsin from their home in Florida to see family. They decided that their two sons should...

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Bringing back old-school family vacations

Bringing back old-school family vacations

We are so impressed by our friends, Matt and Jennene Anderson, who still take their three kids on old-school family vacations. You know the ones - where you load the kids in the family truckster and drive across the country to explore new cities, visit National Parks,...

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See where our parents have been

See where our parents have been

We thought we'd kick off this summer travel season with a series of blog posts featuring some of the postcards that we've received. We love going down to the post office, opening our P.O. box, and finding postcards from far-away places. It is so neat to think of all...

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Great gifts for a 48-year-old traveler

Great gifts for a 48-year-old traveler

When special gift-giving events like birthdays come around, my family is constantly asking what they can get me. And I must admit,  I'm not the easiest person to shop for. I typically don't have very many good ideas to give my husband or daughter, but usually can come...

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My first visit to a nude beach

My first visit to a nude beach

So, we've debated for some time whether or not to write this post. As you know, Steve and I are actually quite modest people. We don't wear clothing that draws attention (unless you count a couple of Steve's Hawaiian shirts) and we often blush at PG-13 movies....

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Blogiversary 3: By the numbers

Blogiversary 3: By the numbers

Bloggers seem to be into numbers. Likes, followers, comments, page views, posts, sessions, bounce rates ... The list goes on and on and on. When Steve and I started our blog, we couldn't help but watch the numbers ourselves. Then, last May, we went to TBEX North...

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Blogiversary 3: What a year!

Blogiversary 3: What a year!

Who'd a thunk it? Three years into this crazy adventure we call travel blogging, we're having the time of our lives and we can't thank you enough! Readers like you have inspired us every day with your comments and suggestions, notes about your travel experiences, and...

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A look back at 2016

A look back at 2016

After traveling in the Caribbean for 10 days over Christmas, Steve and I returned to our home in Crete, Nebraska, about 15 seconds before the clock struck midnight Saturday night and just in time for a New Year's kiss to ring in 2017. Before we delve into our travel...

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A postcard from Husker fans

A postcard from Husker fans

We have had the privilege of having season tickets to Nebraska Cornhusker football games for the past five years. Every fall, we look forward to returning to Memorial Stadium, going through Gate 20, walking up and up and up to section 108, and squeezing ourselves in...

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Crete’s Great Pumpkin Festival

Crete’s Great Pumpkin Festival

Our hometown of Crete, Neb., hosted its 2nd Annual Great Pumpkin Festival this weekend and we had so much fun hosting the photo booth and meeting so many new people. This year's festival was even bigger and better than last year's inaugural event [read more about that...

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Postcard from Rocky Mountain Natl. Park

Postcard from Rocky Mountain Natl. Park

Estes Park, Colorado, is a favorite vacation spot for our friends and neighbors, Matt and Linda Hanson of Crete, Neb. They have vacationed there for years and continue to rave about the Golden Aspens, the wildlife, and the variety of outdoor activities available for...

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Postcards from the Pipers

Postcards from the Pipers

Ben and Nikki Piper are two of our best friends and were so happy that they were able to take a quick getaway this summer with their young children and Ben's parents, Martha and Steve. For their family vacation, they drove from their home in Crete, Neb., to beautiful...

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A postcard from the “villes”

A postcard from the “villes”

One of our most avid followers, Dale Strehle and his wife, Cindy, recently sent us a postcard from the Belle Meade Plantation in Nashville, Tennessee. They stopped there on what they referred to as their "ville" tour which took them through Louisville, Knoxville,...

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A postcard from Turkey

A postcard from Turkey

Some friends of ours, Paul and Micaela, sent us this postcard from Istanbul! Paul is a teacher in the same district where I work as a principal. Micaela is an athletic trainer at a local college and has worked some with Ann on weight training. We've enjoyed getting to...

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A postcard from North Platte, NE

A postcard from North Platte, NE

If you've been thinking about visiting North Platte, Nebraska, this is the weekend. Seriously, just get in the car and go! Yes, it's that time of year to put on your cowboy boots, find your hat, and mosey on down to the Wild West Arena where you can wrangle up all...

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A postcard from Harry Potter’s world

A postcard from Harry Potter’s world

This summer, our friends and neighbors, the Faltins, visited the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios in California and we were so excited to get their postcard! Kevin and Michelle and their two youngest kids flew to California (where Michelle is from)...

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A postcard from James in Kuwait

A postcard from James in Kuwait

A former  student of mine, James Donaldson, sent this postcard from Camp Arifjan in Kuwait. I first knew James when I taught Spanish in Greenville, Mississippi, right after college. He, and his now wife, Kira, played on the high school soccer team I coached there. I...

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Postcards from Minnesota

Postcards from Minnesota

Steve and I are getting ready to head to north to Minnesota again this week. We've been going there several times a year to visit friends and family and for doctor's visits at the Mayo Clinic where I'm being treated. It is about a 7-hour drive from our house in Crete,...

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Celebrating our 2nd blogiversary!

Celebrating our 2nd blogiversary!

Two years ago today, we sat in a Doubletree hotel in Rochester, Minnesota, where we had returned for a third time since that January for appointments at the Mayo Clinic. The next day, I was to have an electrophysiology study and a heart biopsy in hopes of helping...

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Ray’s Shabby Cottage Furniture

Ray’s Shabby Cottage Furniture

About this time each year, we make the hour and 45-minute drive from our home in Southeast Nebraska to Steve's hometown of Shenandoah, Iowa, to have our taxes done. We typically meet with our CPA in the morning and then check out downtown Shen, stopping for a vanilla...

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A postcard from Argentina

A postcard from Argentina

Six years ago, we had the privilege of meeting a delightful young lady from Germany who was living with a family we know in our hometown of Crete, Nebraska. She was here to study at the high school as a foreign exchange student. At the time, she was in school with our...

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